C (18/301)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:09 Aug 99 at 23:53:40
Subject:Re: (no subject)

From: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>

On 09-Aug-99, Tim Hanson wrote:

> Everytime I use AllocBitMap() and then FreeBitMap() to allocate a BM with
> depth less than 8 I get mungwall hits when freeing. It`s always the same
> number of hits as the depth and appears to be the address of the actual
> planes.

How do you access the bitmap?

> Should I use the old fashioned method [...]

No, you should fix the bug ;-)

Regards Allan

URL: http://www.DIKU.dk/students/duff/

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one
was useless.
-- Chamfort